soheil mirni
@soheil-mirni active 11 years, 2 months ago-
This is a group to post job opportunities for actors
Crew members in the State of New York and within NYC. Please specify your role on set and level of experience you have working on set. If your profile has a resume and credits list on your About you section please […]
All on set construction folks please apply here. Carpenters as well as crew with construction experience. We always have jobs available for experienced members as well as general labor positions for folks just […]
A group for graphic designers, Web designers, and graphic artists looking for work opportunities in the Montreal area.
Welcome to the group! We are a group of students ranging from grades 9 – 12 and currently the only school in York Region competing in Vex Robotics.
School Team Name: Raven Robotics 2560
Location: […] -
This is a group for sales people looking to get hitched with production companies.
Im trying to make my own crew, and group that should evolve into a production company. right now as a writer im searching for an after effects r visual artist illustrate my story, ”Gravity’s Love”. I’m in New […]