Stacy Aldona - "POWERHOUSE CASTING IS SEEKING GREAT FACES FOR AN UPCOMING TV PROJECT! Powerhouse Casting is seeking a wide array of people for an upcoming TV project. Ages 20 to 40 & all genders needed! No Acting Experience […]"View
Nastassia Haroshka - "Just cast today by CNY MODE as younger version of main actress-Film is Old Acquaintance Be Forgot and Director is Luis Restrepo (IMDB many credits)"View
Mark Lappin - "Will be shooting video for Lying In Silence. Please check out my song. I will be looking for extras and lead to be in video. http://www.reverbnation.com/lyinginsilence Thanks"View
Cat Badger - "Working on commercial set, brick and etched concrete for loft apartment scene"View
Bernadette Sayre - ""View