Nadine Marie posted an update in the group
MADE MODERN 11 years ago
Can you please post an update if you have already selected a host? Thanks!
Ric Kull and
Nadine Marie are now friends 11 years ago
Nadine Marie posted an update in the group
MADE MODERN 11 years ago
This second link is to my work with HDnet as a correspondent for the show InsideMMA…thanks again!
Nadine Marie posted an update in the group
MADE MODERN 11 years ago
Hello, I would like to apply for the hosting position for MM – I hold 7 years of experience as an on-air correspondent and have attached a link to a commercial, as well as two links to my hosting reel below…please let me know if I can send anything else necessary!
Nadine Marie joined the group
MADE MODERN 11 years ago
Nadine Marie changed their profile picture 11 years ago
Nadine Marie uploaded a new picture: Nadineheadshot2.jpg 11 years ago
Nadine Marie posted an update 11 years ago
Nadine Marie became a registered member 11 years ago