Charlene Benjamin
@lene05 active 10 years, 8 months ago
Hi there – I’m new to flickfolks and just getting started. I saw your advertisement online and signed up.
I’m a freelance certified interior decorator, who has worked on Set in set decorating, set-dressing and as a production assistant.
I’m very interested in crewing up for your “Made Modern TV” production. View
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Crew members in the State of New York and within NYC. Please specify your role on set and level of experience you have working on set. If your profile has a resume and credits list on your About you section please […]
TV SHOW about fascinating modern homes and their owners. We are searching for crews, writers, host and content producers within all locales featuring modern architecture.
Extra Extra..see all about it!! I am putting together a group for people who would like to work as an extra/background.. I notice some people on flickfolks are new to the biz and are looking for real experience […]
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