• Group logo of Film Crews in Canada
    active 2 weeks, 3 days ago

    If you are a Canadian crew member please join here. Also list your skills or role on set.

    Public Group / 421 members
  • Group logo of Film Crews in the USA
    active 3 months ago

    If you are a US crew member please join here. Also list your skills or role on set

    Public Group / 636 members
  • Group logo of New York / NYC Crews
    active 7 months, 1 week ago

    Crew members in the State of New York and within NYC. Please specify your role on set and level of experience you have working on set. If your profile has a resume and credits list on your About you section please […]

    Public Group / 204 members
  • Group logo of Film Investors Group
    active 8 years, 3 months ago

    Folks that are interested in becoming film financiers please join this group.

    Public Group / 62 members
  • Group logo of Billstars Productions
    active 10 years, 2 months ago

    Im trying to make my own crew, and group that should evolve into a production company. right now as a writer im searching for an after effects r visual artist illustrate my story, ”Gravity’s Love”. I’m in New […]

    Public Group / 57 members