Eric Val
@ericval active 11 years, 1 month ago
Video for the new single Beauty Queen. View
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 groups
Developing a unique team, well adverse, strong, confident, intelligent and able to work well in a team.
Models, actors and actresses.
Extra Extra..see all about it!! I am putting together a group for people who would like to work as an extra/background.. I notice some people on flickfolks are new to the biz and are looking for real experience […]
If you are providing Sound Services in Montreal, join here.
Gong Media specializes in audio post-production, film music, and location sound.
Pro Tools 10 Project Studio in New York City. Final Audio Mix, Post Audio Development, Sound Design, Music Composition services provided globally via the internet.
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 groups