About You: |
Che’la Jernigan
470 Stratford Rd, Apt. 6K
Brooklyn, New York 11218
[email protected]
Career Focus
Aiming to obtain employment in the field of filmmaking with a background in film editing and modes of production; offering creativity, leadership skills, and a hard working attitude to help develop new ideas and gain industry experience.
• Film Production: Knowledge of film and video projects in all modes of production. Efficient at organizing and managing shoots; experienced using production equipment. Ability to write, edit scenes; capable in film and sound editing.
• Technical Ability: Final Cut Pro 7, Pinnacle Studio, Cannon XH-A1S HD Professional Camcorder, Canon SD Camcorder, etc.
• Strength and Accomplishments: Demonstrated ability to meet objectives and deadlines. Established and sustained working relationships with team members on projects.
B.A. in Film and Media Studies 2013
St. Mary’s Honor College of Maryland
St. Mary’s City, Maryland
Sound Tech
Music For Occupy 01.2014
• Assisted camera operator as the sound technician for music producer Jason Samel’s interview on“This Fracking Album” featuring Michael Glabicki and Liz Berlin of the band Rusted Root (No. 72 Billboard’s Hot 100 chart ’95).
Production Assistant
Black Wasp Productions 2013
• Assistant to the director of a documentary concerning economic mobility and race. Served as sound technician, camera operator, and equipment crew member. Preproduction responsibilities included transcribing, research, and script writing; edited sequences in postproduction. Managed Wordpress website for social outreach and promotional network of film.
Film Production
St. Mary’s College of Maryland 2010-2012
• Cast and directed various film projects. Planned and organized film shoots. Edited projects using Final Cut Pro 7.
Film Intern
Outreach Productions 2008
• Assisted director during shoots. Documented takes and helped set up shots. Provided innovative ideas for creation of shots.