Angela Hernandez
@angie active 8 years, 9 months ago-
This is a group to post job opportunities for actors
Calling all crew members in Montreal join the group.
Crew members in the State of New York and within NYC. Please specify your role on set and level of experience you have working on set. If your profile has a resume and credits list on your About you section please […]
G, B, AZ (and all other class) licensed drivers
List and describe your projects here. Let us know if you’re hiring crew or seeking funding for those as well.
Developing a unique team, well adverse, strong, confident, intelligent and able to work well in a team.
Models, actors and actresses.
All Actors Welcome. This group is also for actors seeking agents and agents seeking actors
Folks that are interested in becoming film financiers please join this group.
i’m just a stupid writer who knows nothing about making films, but i have a hell of a script
i’m looking to team up with people who know how to make films. a quick synopsis of the story follows below
if […]