$50,000 reasons to like WritersandFilmmakers.com. Writers judge filmmakers, filmmakers judge scripts
Public Group active 10 years, 7 months agoWriters judge filmmakers, filmmakers judge writers!
Winning writer gets their script made by the winning filmmaker! We fund it!
The writer gets their script made and they get paid. The filmmaker gets funded to shoot it!
Everyone gets lots of coverage of their work!
The winning filmmaker wins up to $50,000 (Feature) or $25,000 (Short) to shoot one of the top 10 scripts. WInning writer receives up to $20,000 (Feature) or $10,000 (Short) for their script and it gets shot!!!
Btw, A filmmaker can be a: Director, Producer, Cinematographer, Audio, Set Designer
Learn more at http://www.writersandfilmmakers.com
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Yasmin Garcia posted an update in the group
We Fund through peer evaluation. Writers judge filmmakers, filmmakers judge writers! 10 years, 11 months ago
Bachelor of Arts in Theater with Drama emphasis; Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with a Linguistic emphasis.
Minors: Education and Portuguese.
GPA: 3.00
University of California Davis, June 2013WORK EXPERIENCE:
Firelight Media, Intern, New York, NY, February 2014-currently (part time).
Worked in doing research for a Black Panthers…[Read more] - Load More