Public Group active 8 years, 9 months agoi’m just a stupid writer who knows nothing about making films, but i have a hell of a script
i’m looking to team up with people who know how to make films. a quick synopsis of the story follows below
if you like it and want to see the script, hit me up – you can read the first five scenes here –
A dark and dazzling dramedy. A perversely funny farce, heavy with intellectual gravitas and burning with hot, twisted sex. The last scene alone has two LOL moments, and three stunning surprises, including a cliff hanger ending.
Three hundred and sixty five lawyers are incinerated in NYC. Even the mayor can’t resist cracking dead lawyer jokes. An ambitious public prosecutor (Jane) and her corrupt cop partner (Akecheta) are unofficially on the case.
Akecheta instantly suspects Pablo Fiasco, the controversial artist and wildly successful entrepreneur, whose mother was murdered. Pablo’s father was convicted and executed for the crime.
Jane investigates Pablo, only to fall into a hot and twisted sexual relationship with him.
Pablo launches two companies to fix the justice system, that has been broken by greedy lawyers, and fulfill the promise of justice for all, becoming a genuine American hero, to all but lawyers, in the process.
A year after the arson, another lawyer is murdered. Then another.
Jane leaves her rotten lawyer husband, having fallen in love with Pablo.
Pablo tells Jane that the lawyer who convicted his father raped and murdered his mother.
Akecheta wants to bring what they know to the task force that is investigating the arson. Jane, protecting Pablo, forbids him to do so.
The emotionally unavailable Pablo takes his sexual relationship with Jane one step too far. Jane turns on him. Akecheta informs Jane that the task force investigating the arson, frustrated by its inability to find the guilty party, is going to frame two Islamists and suspend habeas corpus and due process.
Jane goes to the mayor, who heads the task force, and convinces him to arrest Pablo instead.
The gambit backfires. Pablo predicted this turn and prepared for it. His people release a prerecorded call to arms on the Internet. Protests erupt from Seattle to Miami. Fourteen lawyers are shot to death in their office.
Anonymous warns that if Pablo is not released, it will be open season on all lawyers.
The powers that be decide to give Pablo due process. The judge presiding over Pablo’s arraignment jails the prosecuting attorneys for attempting to pervert the course of justice and frees Pablo.
Akecheta, who has had his house leined by his divorce lawyer, discovers that said lawyer drowned while on vacation in Mexico. Akecheta knows that Pablo murdered the parasite.
Which brings us to the spellbinding ending, in which Pablo plays an improbable wild card that creates cranium crunching conundrums for both Jane and Akecheta.
Angela Hernandez
joined 8 years, 9 months ago -
Brent McCorkle
joined 10 years, 3 months ago -
Alexia A Fairbrother
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Aisha Thornton
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Amy Rumbolt
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Chris Garza
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Phillip Wong
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Sergio Colastra
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Angel Hernandez
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Calli Clark
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Donald L Herrington II
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Cynthia Stone
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