James Scott Harris posted an update in the group
Vex Robotics 11 years, 3 months ago
At this time, team 2560 Raven Robotics is unable to provide money in exchange for a promo video however the team is currently looking for people who can become sponsors of the team. this would mean that in exchange for providing a team video for us every once in a while (likely 2 or 3 two minute videos per year), you or your business would receive advertising recognition (in the form of text) on team shirts, in the school yearbook, team banners, recognition in promo video, on the website and facebook page, at events and more. This allows you to get your name out to other people and teams at competitions who may be able to provide money for your services in the future. If you or your business is interested in creating a short promo video for us (nothing huge… short and simple but professional looking), in exchange for you or your business being advertised by us, let me or the admin know and we can talk in more detail. please direct any questions to the two of us as well.
Thanks for your support!
We may consider this offer actually. Please take a look at our reels here and let us know if you’d like to work with one of our directors on such a project. http://www.youtube.com/user/kontentcreator/videos
check your inbox. i have private messaged you