LaMar Stewart posted an update in the group
Film Projects 11 years, 3 months ago
Hello everyone this is La Mar Stewart with Oceanland Entertainment in collaboration with Jeff Mosley’s 3J films, we are announcing our next project which is the very humorous romantic comedy,”The Lavender Bandit” (working title) which will be filmed in Northern California with a projected principle photography date summer of 2014. We are in the works to create a Kickstarter page for the project which has been budgeted at $500,000.00, so we would like to ask you all to like our Facebook page, (www.facebook.com/pages/OurNextMovie/308909995903294?ref=br_tf). However, we are not opposed to reaching out to angel investors as well. Please refer to the attached digital newspaper article associated with the project. We hope to hear some wonderful feedback from this community.
Seems like an interesting project. I’m looking forward to hearing more about it. Keep us posted on your kickstarter campaign and hopefully you can find some great crew members from among us ’flickfolks’ here to join your production. Good luck with this movie!
Likewise I’m interested in hearing more about it. If you’ve got a business plan to present just reach out anytime. @jessica