Marjory E. Leposky posted an update in the group
Film Projects 11 years, 3 months ago
I’m currently raising funds for the short film La Fuente (The Fountain). Check it out here http://fromtheheartproductions.info/La-Fuente-donations.html?page=2 or http://www.ampersandcom.com/chatterbox/LaFuenteTheFountain.htm. Thank you!!!
@meleposky Looks interesting, can’t wait to see it someday. Maybe you can post a group here for yourself like others have done if you are still in need of additional crew Like http://flickfolks.com/groups/concrete-feature-film-project/
I am hold off on more crew other then my director, DP, and make-up artist and casting until I have more funding. Thank you for the advice. If you share your e-mail address with me. i can send you my the short film script. it is only four pages.