Stacy Aldona posted an update in the group
Acting Jobs 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Jigsaw Casting is seeking Body doubles ages 18+ for these specific Athletes for a Commercial in Toronto.
Pay is $1,000.00 Flat Fee Per Day per person (Unrecognizable on screen). Wardrobe: $75/2hrs. This is a non-union project.
Wardrobe: May 2nd.
Shoot May 6th. (Andre’s Double) & (Jillian’s Double)
Shoot May 10th. (Penny’s Double) & (Maggie’s Double)
Deadline to submit: ASAP or before April 24 at 10 am EST.
Talent needs to match as close as possible to the athlete he or she is doubling for on camera. In size as well as ethnicity or skin tone..etc. Ideally you have experience with their sport too.
Looking for the following sizes, please see the reference photos of each athlete attached.
1. Andre / Runner. Height 5 ’10 and Weight 160 Lbs.
2. Penny / Swimmer. Height 6 ‘1 and Weight 150 Lbs.
3. Maggie / Swimmer. Height 5 ‘5 and Weight 139 Lbs.
4. Jillian / hammer throw or weightlifter or similar. Height 5’9
and Weight 185 Lbs.
If interested, please email us your name, age, phone number, self tape, photos of your face and body to: [email protected]
Please write the subject line: Body Double, your name and which role you are applying for. E.g: ‘Body double, Jack Jones – Andre’
(If your video file is too large to email, please use wetransfer.com to send to us)
Please see here for self tape instructions: https://bit.ly/bodydoubleselfaudition