Stacy Aldona posted an update in the group
Acting Jobs 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Jigsaw Casting is seeking Hispanic Abuelas (Grandmothers) and a Hispanic Female with dance experience for a Home Campaign in Toronto!
Looking for the following roles:
1. Hispanic Abuelas (Grandmothers) – Ages 60 to 80. Loving, endearing grandma, small in stature but a tough cookie. Non speaking role.
2. Hero Hispanic Female Dancer – She has some dance experience (no specific dance genres, but we want you to do latin inspired dancing for this spot) – ages 30 to 40. She doesn’t need to be a professional dancer but has a great flair for dancing, moves well and can work with choreography. Non speaking role. She will be dancing through her bedroom, interacting with furniture products in passing.
Compensation if selected:
Hispanic Abuelas: Approx. $4,175.00. Hero Hispanic dancer: Approx. $5,575.00.
*Buyout includes all lifts, edits, versions and is based on survival of the edit. This is a non union campaign.
Details & Submission Information
If interested, you must submit your self tape along with your name, age, recent photos and phone number to:
[email protected]
Please write the subject line: Project Home, your name and which role you are applying for. For example: ‘Project home – Maria Rodrigues – Hero female dancer’ or ‘Project home – Juanita Sanchez – Abuela’..etc.
(If your video file is too large to email, please use wetransfer.com to send to us)
Self tape instructions:
Must be available for these Important dates:
Recall: May 3rd or May 6th, 2024 – In Studio .
Rehearsal: May 10 – Movement Rehearsal for HERO FEMALE DANCER ONLY
Wardrobe: May 13th, 2024.
Shoot Date: May 16 and/ or 17 – Shoot (hero dancer both days, abuela one day, TBD which day)