Chris Rockson posted an update in the group
Toronto Film Crew Group 1 year, 6 months ago
Production title: The Elevator Ride 愛的急降
Location: 📍Toronto, Ontario
Director: Stephanie Lee
Shooting dates (tentative): October 14th (Saturday), 15th (Sunday) and October 22nd (Sunday)
“The Elevator Ride” is a heartwarming story that revolves around love, laughter, and the unexpected connections that can happen in the most unlikely places – like an elevator. Through humor and genuine storytelling, we want to highlight the power of diverse and authentic representation in filmmaking, ensuring that everyone’s story can be told and appreciated.
CAST APPLICATION FORM: tinyurl.com/theelevatorride
CREW APPLICATION FORM: tinyurl.com/theelevatorridecrew
Questions? Email [email protected].
Thank you. We’re looking forward to meet you!