John Hong posted an update in the group
CONCRETE Feature Film Project 11 years, 4 months ago
Hello ‘flick folks” Wow, we had no idea that we would get such an interest from available crew for out film CONCRETE on this new webiste. We promise to consider all applicants here but it will take a while to go through all the links and messages etc. Currently we are planning to continue shooting in Toronto by early Spring with some additional shooting in Detroit. We will get back to all eligible candidates based on experience and location while keeping you folks in mind for any other shoots meanwhile. Thank you all for joining this group and taking the interest in this project thus far!
I have a background working in film production offices, as assistant coordinator/secretary….I am also prepared to take on a production coordinator position. Please check out my details on http://www.linkedin.com/pub/amen-jafri/1b/5b3/8b6 and feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] for more information.