Rob Tromp posted an update in the group
Acting Jobs 10 years, 10 months ago
Very experienced actor. Visit http://www.robtromp.com
Rob Tromp posted an update in the group Acting Jobs 10 years, 10 months ago
Very experienced actor. Visit http://www.robtromp.com
checked out your work, great job,im hoping to get started doing extra/background work, no experience in the feild as of yet,hoping something arises form this,need a new direction in my life
Best of luck! If you’re serious about acting, I’d recommend taking some classes with a good coach, particularly improv. It’s a great way to prepare for what you’ll be needing to do when you get in front of a camera. Also suggest volunteering as crew for indie filmmakers. You’ll learn a lot about the craft of film acting by seeing it in process – much more than just by watching the finished product.