Christina Stockberger posted an update 11 years, 4 months ago
Christina Stockberger
cell 917-861-8187Youtube videos under Christina Stockberger
Various makeup but main spfx audition video for faceoff on syfy. http://youtu.be/GQUOpCO85rM
Behind the scenes look alike beauty makeup Pretending to be Maria Montez http://youtu.be/CiDhwE7poMA
Papoose music video body painted model to look like statue of liberty and two low budget old age toward end of video. http://youtu.be/FTUK-HLArN8 ;STUDENT FILMS
NYU Film “Remembering Will” Director April Wilson, old age and sickly.
“Extrophy” Director Jonathan Sanden, old age makeup.
“O Negative” Director Alexander Hankoff
“US:A Love Story” Directed by Alrick BrownFEATURE FILMS
” Fruits, Nuts and Berries” Director Chris Mc Callien, key makeup mild special effects
“5 Up and 2 Down” Director Steven Kessler, strait makeup
Sag Experimental ” The Lounge” Director Charles Sante,strait makeup,glamour and body.
“More Than A Woman” Director Eric M. Bess special effects makeup fork through hand and multiple bullet wounds listed IMDB
“Taken For Granted” Director Richie, special effects makeup horror film murders
“Manhattanites” Directors Gregori Martin and Darnell Williams. Head of makeup dept strait male and female makeup mild special effect listed IMDb
“Altar of the Unnamed” Director Mike May HHP productions special effects and strait makeup
“Spoiler Alert” directed by David Rakowiecki Key makeup this film won for directors choice awards trail dance film festival
“Backsliding” Directed by Ralph Radesal Special effects makeup. Cuts and bruises
“To Kill a clown” Directed by Dark Knight productions, Jeff Knight special effects and contact lense work
“Enough is Enough” directed by Charles Howard Key and spfx artist
“Blood Reign” Directed by Pablo Chirinos special effects makeup
“Kinyarwanda” Directed by Alrick Brown small scene of spfx
“The South Side” directed by Gregori Martin, head of makeup dept look alike makeup, spfx and key
” Denounced” directed by Joe Petito, key and spfx artistSHORTS AND TRAILERS
Horror Short ” Ghoul Crazy” Director Rick Lavon, Zombies* this film won for best makeup in the festivals.
“George” Director Chris Karallis, Strait and special effects makeup
“Digits” Director Douglass Williams, prosthetic fingers
“Consequences of the Moment” Director Alex Portugal, smeared and running makeup and body makeup looking wet out the shower.
“The Key” Directed by Justin “JD” Cohen strait and special effects makeup
“Tags” Directed by Dominique Deleon strait makeup and special effects
“Trunk” directed by Annie Feld special effects makeup swollen eye, beaten, tattoos
Alley Cat films Director John BiancoTELEVISION
Discovery Channel Documentary on Elizabeth Bathory directed by Nick Brigdon
Prepaid phone card commercial for India, productions by Look N Hear
Mike and Juliet show on Fox Micheal Jackson thriller special
“The BaytheSeries” directed by Gregori Martin Key artist for NY scenes of Far from the Bay.
commercial for Tower heights with Mark Sancheaz, LT, from the Jets and Ben StillerPHOTOGRAPHY SHOOTS
Stephen Eastwood, Agency Model Stephanie
Shaun “PI” Young, Model Tara Weeks
Billboard poster for church project, Mt. Zion Tabernace applied beards for era of christ
Key makeup artist for Andre Walker multiple fashion shoots
Gabriel Walking Photographer/designers final
Multiple photographer shoot/Andre Walker Sorbara fur shoot Published in Harpers Bazaar nov/dec
Stephen Eastwood, three model shoot for clothing catalog
Canon photo shoot for Camera test with Canon company. Bridal look
Pretending to be Maria Montez press release shots with Pepper Negron PhotographerPLAYS
“Mt. Zion Tabernace Resurrection of Jesus play”. Special effects cuts and whippinging scars beard applications.
“Schachfeld(The Chessfield) directed by Katja Loher
“Zephyr’s Pond” Directed by Lia Daniele
Halloween day parade Michael Jackson thriller dancers
“Pretending to be Maria Montez” Directed and written by Dalia Davi hair and makeupMUSIC VIDEOS
“8 Days Gone” Directed by Harrington Talents prosthetic mask removing all features and strait makeup
Frank Lucas “Street Star” directed by Monique Watson
JMC, featuring Cassidy and Styles P Directed by Yasha Malekzad of the UK
Jadakiss featuring Teyanna Taylor, rock with me
Oun P featuring Fatman Scoop “Shes a Bad girl” assistant makeup
Papoose “Im Like that”
Papoose ” Alphabetical Slaughter from Z to A”RUNWAY SHOWS
Fashion Benefit show with Patti Labelle worked on the models for fashion show.
Multiple fashion shows with New Jersey based talent companyBODY PAINTING
Hurricane Katrina postcard for fund raising with the Body of ArtInstructor also for Cosmetology, Film and television from fashion and glamour to special effects including prosthetic work and body painting at Empire Beauty school in Manhattan.