Adrienne Fish posted an update in the group
MADE MODERN 11 years, 1 month ago
I’d be interested in the hosting position. I am a stand-up comic, so I am quick on my feet, personable, and I know how to bring great energy to the camera. Here is my bio:
Adrienne Fish loves pulled pork sandwiches and is one of Toronto’s up and coming comedians. She hit the stage in 2011, and by her third show was winning competitions, making it through the first round of “Just for Laughs: Great Canadian Laugh off”. Since then she’s been performing in clubs all over Toronto (Absolute Comedy, Yuk Yuks, Comedy Bar, Spirits) and is quickly gaining recognition within the community. Most recently invited to showcase at Yuk Yuks, be part of the “Mary-Janes of Comedy”, the “West End Girls” comedy group, and to perform in the ‘rising star’ slot in the show “The Main Event”, it is clear that she may be new, but she’s a natural. Adrienne combines observational comedy from her everyday life as a nanny on drugs, with physical comedy that will make you believe you are right in the room with her British mother on morphine. She’s loud, she’s funny, she’s got a fro, she may even attempt to break-dance on stage and audiences love it. Her energy level boosts any room into high gear and leaves crowds wanting more.Hope to hear from you!