Short film directed by Warren P. Sonoda and written by Dax Lough and Warren P. Sonoda. Starring Dax Lough and Vanessa Broze. Music by Jonathan A. Miller. VFX by Mike Sevigny.
Premiered at the 2010 SJ01 Biennial Art Exhibit in San Jose, CA in conjunction with Cinequest Film Festival. The exhibit commissioned several international filmmakers to create 5-minute short films shot entirely on mobile “Flip” cameras with the theme of “discovery”.
Here, a man walks the city of Toronto in search of big answers within small things…
Written, shot, edited and mixed in 72 hours with a budget of $20 (the cost of the Chinese food lunch). Had a really fun, liberating time creating something on the fly with my friends. WPS
Short film directed by Warren P. Sonoda and written by Dax Lough and Warren P. Sonoda. Starring Dax Lough and Vanessa Broze. Music by Jonathan A. Miller. VFX by Mike Sevigny.
Premiered at the 2010 SJ01 Biennial Art Exhibit in San Jose, CA in conjunction with Cinequest Film Festival. The exhibit commissioned several international filmmakers to create 5-minute short films shot entirely on mobile “Flip” cameras with the theme of “discovery”.
Here, a man walks the city of Toronto in search of big answers within small things…
Written, shot, edited and mixed in 72 hours with a budget of $20 (the cost of the Chinese food lunch). Had a really fun, liberating time creating something on the fly with my friends. WPS