Kane Kroener posted an update in the group
MADE MODERN 11 years, 1 month ago
Hello, I am very interested the position as a crew member for this show. I have a lot of experience behind the camera as well as working on set in many different capacities. I’ve been doing camera work for a few years now and have experience using Canon C300’s, Sony EX-3’s, Canon 5D as well as any other Canon DSLR and Sony FS700’s. I personally own a Canon 5D Mark ii along with various lenses and accesories. I have a lot of experience doing grip/gaffer work on a number of Reality TV sets. I also am very experienced doing PA work as well. I am extremely hard working, always prompt, very easy to get along with and always leave a positive impression on any job I am working on. I have posted my resume as well as some of my past work on my personal profile. I’d love to hear more about the opportunity and it looks like a fun show to work on!