Rafael Gomez posted an update in the group
Acting Jobs 11 years, 2 months ago
“Neon Girl in 1953” is a neo-noir 1950’s crime/sci-fi feature length film that was directed by a USC film graduate. Principle photography is complete but after successful fundraising through kickstarter we were able to write additional scenes which will require extra characters to be involved.
January 27th-31st, 2014
Will be shooting in Ventura County.
Please refer to the kickstarter page for more info: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/418810935/neon-girl-in-1953?ref=liveAUDITION INFO:
This Friday January 10th, from 8am-12pm and 2pm-4pm at
3639 E. Harbor Blvd.
Suite 100
Ventura, Ca 93001
Please email to confirm or to receive sides.ACTORS NEEDED:
Daryl (male late 30’s-50’s) Lead character’s supervisor. He’s intense, experience and hardened by a life of crime solving. Around 3 pages of dialogue with lead character.FBI Agent #1 (male 20’s-30’s)- He’s the lead character’s colleague. Smart and sophisticated, disciplined. One scene, one or two lines of dialogue.
FBI Agent #2 (male 20’s-30’s)- Similar to FBI agent #1.
Cafe Waitress: (20’s-40s’) Works at a shady Cafe owned by a San Fernando Valley underground restaurant owner. She see’s mobsters on a daily basis and knows how to handle them.
Joe (40’s-60’s)- He’s the cafe owner. He knows the main mobsters. Gets paid to keep secrets. Slimy but likable.
Colleague (male, 20’s)- He’s an FBI agent that is briefly introduced at the beginning of the movie, gives lead character some paperwork. Has only a few lines.
Businesman (40’s-60s) – We see him in the beginning of the film. He buys a newspaper from a newspaper boy in a street corner, looks at the headlines and says a few lines.
This Is A PROJECT IN los Angeles